A Princess’ Request
My first Ludum Dare entry, A Princess’ Request. A sidescrolling platformer where you are tasked with restoring “The Machine” by a mysterious princess.

This game was built in 48 hours, and all the code, audio and graphics were created in that time frame. I’m really happy with how it turned out, the game’s mood came out really well, and at maybe 15 minutes to complete, I think it’s a good length too.
The game uses low-res versions of the maps to generate collision data, switches, spikes etc. to save time, then draws a high-res version in game that has all the detail on it. The details like vines, desks, grass were all drawn by hand and I think the silhouette look is perfect for this type of game. A lot of people say it reminded them of Limbo which I agree with, but when I was making this game I’d never seen Limbo before so that’s a huge coincidence!
Here’s some up-close shots the full high-res textures without the lighting and fog effects:
Here’s the source code and assets for the game on Github.